Friday, November 20, 2009


Ugh, so it's getting to that time of year when the stress is piling up. I have 3 major papers, and presentations to accompany them, none of which have adequate theses, and all of which need massive revisions.

I am tired, I am working a lot, and after thanksgiving our hours at work will be extended to midnight.

I have 2 days of Mayo appointments next week, and I'm worried about those. What if something is seriously wrong with me? Oh, and I found out that Paula, my advisor and prof of 2 of my classes this semester, has also had seizures and is on meds. It would have been nice to know this sooner, have someone who understands. Ugh. Whatever.

Although logically speaking, I have lots of time to do my work, I feel like I don't, and just thinking about it stresses me out more, which doesn't help, because when I'm stressed I get even less actually accomplished. In fact, I have a tendency to sleep a lot more.

Shawn told me to relax today, try to get some thought in about stuff without actually working, and it's helping. I'm actually talking to Dugan about my atheism paper and it's going really well and helping a lot. I just need to learn to relax.

I am going to be able to relax, right? I'm not going to go insane? Right?!

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