Sunday, October 23, 2011

I Scared a Human Today

I scared a human today. The night had gotten late, as usual. The bugs were scarce and I had had a hard time coming up with any. I knew she was going to throw a fit if I came home empty-beaked again. Not to mention the chicks are getting bigger,and louder. We can't skip meals anymore, and their cries are starting to attract attention. We can't afford negative attention, from predators or the neighbors. Times might be hard, but we still have our dignity.

I had finally tracked down a bug. A big juicy one. One of those giant ones that looks like a mosquito, but like, 40 times bigger. It wasn't enough for me and the missus, but it would feed the kids. I lunged at it, crippling it's leg and tackling it to the ground. I chased it from the tree into the grass and then onto the hard gray surface. I knew it was getting late. Humans were starting to stir, but this bug was proving tricky. If I could just kill it and be on my way...

One of them was coming towards me. I couldn't let the bug go, it was still alive, and damnit, I need dinner! But this human was getting closer. I had seen bigger ones. Humans attacking birds were rare, more likely, it was after my bug. I couldn't let it have my bug. It looked female, from what I knew of them, the female ones had the long fur on their heads. She stopped and looked at me. I knew I had to make a stand. It was my bug.

I puffed up my chest. The bug was down for the count and hopping away on its half-leg that it had remaining. I kept one eye on the bug and one eye on the human. I jumped between my prey and the human, making my fierce attack noise. Hopefully humans can't tell I'm getting over a cold. She moved forward. I kept myself between the human and the bug. IT'S MY BUG. She kept walking. I kept my feathers fluffed and my stance strong, keeping myself always with an eye on the bug and a glare towards the female. I think she got the picture, and she slowly backed away.

No one more humans will mess with me. I finished off the bug and brought it home. The kids were fed, the missus was appeased, and I got a compliment for scaring the human. I think she was actually worried about me coming home late. For once, I'm a little glad that I work in an area that's a little sketchy sometimes. I feel good about myself. I scared a human today, all in a day's work.