Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Taking Control

I got my license back today. I feel like it might be time to turn over a new leaf and take control of my life again, and quit letting outside influences control me. My meds and seizures are at the most stable that they have ever been, and I feel like I might be on the verge of... normal.

I had forgotten what normal feels like. It feels good. It feels great. It feels fantastic. I don't ever want to go back. I don't ever want to be in my bad place again.

But I don't want to forget what it's like to be in that place, because if I forget what it's like to feel like shit, then maybe I'll forget how wonderful today feels, and I'll start to take advantage of that feeling. I don't ever want to lose that wonder.

Today, I have the world at my fingertips again. Today, I feel like I can take control of my life again. Today, I have epilepsy, and epilepsy does not have me. I might just go for a drive to celebrate.