Sunday, April 15, 2012

It's that time of the year...

There are only 2 1/2 weeks of the semester left, and I am slowly going braindead. I have nearly 70 pages to write in that time- 4 major term papers, a presentation, and 2 final tests. All are due on or before May 2nd. Every time I think about how much I have to do, I get instantly overwhelmed and resort to internet browsing to take my mind off things (right now I'm supposed to be editing a paper due Wednesday).

And then there's the wedding. In less than 3 months I'm going to be married! YAY! I'm super excited, but also getting to that point where I'm freaking out. I'm 5 states away and can't get any planning done because of school, distance, and too much other stuff to do. I have to wait 3 weeks until I go home and then just dive into the planning process. There's so much to do and so little time.

I just really want it to be the end of May right now. School will be over, I will be home and will have had 2 weeks to destress and get some of the wedding stuff out of the way (like a dress fitting and marital counselling), and I will hopefully have some of my sanity back. In the meantime, wish me luck!

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